IG LogoIn Person Meeting Update

Northern New Jersey Intergroup understands the need to get back to face to face meetings and encourages our member groups to proceed carefully and responsibly.

Groups can refer to the official NJ State website for information about indoor and outdoor gathering restrictions.

Some groups have made the decision to begin meeting in person. The status of any particular meeting may not have been reported to this site or updated; therefore we cannot guarantee the accuracy of our Meeting Finder. Intergroup is working hard to deliver accurate information about groups that are now meeting in person.

Here is a list of In Person Group Considerations we offer to assist in the decision making process to restart your in person meetings.

Area 44 has created an Ad Hoc committee on Reopening Physical Meetings.

We look forward to the day that more restrictions will be lifted and we can begin meeting and supporting each other in the fellowship of the spirit.

To update your meeting information on our website, please use this Meeting Update Form.

We are now entertaining drop-in guests in the office, we do want to make literature and meeting books available to the fellowship Click Here for more info.



To update your meeting information on our website, please use this Meeting Update Form.